There are many secular norms which make us compromise our Christian standards. I mean, sometimes it’s a real struggle to remain firm and true to our values and beliefs when everyone around you seems to believe something else.

One of the areas which is an evidence of how secular philosophies is affecting our everyday life is “SEXUAL IMMORALITY”. Sex is created by God but it is ONLY for married man and woman. Anything out of that is sexual immorality. Society however has completely destroyed God’s perspective and intention for sex. I will highlight a few ways in which society has distorted God’s design and intentions for sex. So lets go!

  • Sex before marriage.

We live in a society where sex out of marriage has become a norm. Nowadays, it seems normal for young people to get into sexual relationships. The society makes you feel awkward if you are not ready to have sex before marriage. I remember a discussion I had with a friend of mine where I said sex before marriage is not right. She immediately said to me “that is why you will remain single because no man will want to drive a car without testing the engine”. Does this phrase look familiar to you? The phrase insinuates that men will want to have sex with women before getting married to them. My dear sister, we have been deceived for long! Get up. Sex out of marriage is wrong!

  • Sex Out of Marriage 

It is common to hear in my community that every married man should have a “deuxième bureau”. This means married men can have a romantic romantic relationship with a woman who is not their wife. My brothers, this is another great deception. Any sexual relationship out of marriage is wrong!

There is this notion of societal stigma placed on a lady who is single after the age of 25. So much pressure is usually mounted on the ladies such that they will settle for any relationship and negatively compromise their standards to keep the relationships. Sometimes, ladies will give in to sexual immorality or remain in very abusive relationships just to keep a relationship. My dear sister, sex out of marriage is wrong and no reason for sex out of marriage makes it right!

We have been tailored to believe that sexual immorality is okay after all the highest thing we should care about is not contracting illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and so if we can protect ourselves from getting such diseases, then sexual immorality is okay. A big deception sister. I have heard of many young people committing suicide because of heart breaks caused by unhealthy sexual relationships and this is on a rise in this generation. We need to get up and address the root causes of such happenings. Sexual sin affects not only the body but also the soul which is the essence of your existence.

Let us go back to God the creator of everything who can give us the reason why he created them and how to use what He created.

What does the bible say about sexual intimacy?

Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. (Hebrews 13:4). Sex is right only when it is between a married man and his wife.

What does the bible say about sexual immorality?

“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18 

I wish to talk with my dear single sisters and brothers. Let’s not be deceived and fall into the trap of sexual immorality while single. The repercussions of sexual immorality are disastrous than you can think and this is destroying our generation before our own eyes.

We live in an era where a lot of secular philosophies have shaped our values and usually causing us to compromise our Christian standards. One of the reasons why we compromise is because it seems difficult to stand alone on a path which no one else is taking. My dear friend, it is time to have the “stand alone faith” where you do what is right according to the word of God and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, regardless of the fact that you may be alone on that path.

My dear friends, we may have done things in the past which we are not proud of today. Sometimes, we may feel ashamed of negative attitudes we have picked and what we have become. There is still hope! Jesus Christ is waiting with open hands. All you need to do is to go to him in prayer, repent of the wrongs and accept him as Lord and Savior of your life. Jesus Christ is ready to make us whole again. Please click on this link (It takes only a step ) and get some ideas which can help you in your walk with God.

After reading this write-up, you may think of those secular philosophies which have caused you to undermine your Christian standards, study the word of God on what is true, pray about your weaknesses and seek the Holy Spirit to help you overcome these weaknesses because on our own, we cannot do it but with the help of God through the Holy Spirit, we can overcome our weaknesses.

You can contact us and let us edify each other in this journey of faith!

God bless you!




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  1. As a condition of the lease, Brackenridge insisted that its reproductive services be maintained, except for abortions, which had not been done in Brackenridge and were referred to an outside provider. Key to this agreement was that Brackenridge retain ownership of its facility and that Seton not identify Brackenridge as a Catholic institution. Because of this important stipulation, and after consultation with Catholic ethicists and theologians, the Daughters of Charity announced that, in recognition of the community’s need for reproductive services, those that are currently available at Brackenridge will be retained. Seton Leader Letter, May 4, 2005. The compromise agreement between Seton and Brackenridge served as a model for other consolidation efforts between religious and public hospitals. Between 1994 and 1999, 93 percent of mergers involving Catholic institutions were with secular partners. In 1998 alone, the Catholic Hospital Association (CHA) reported thirty-two such mergers and affiliations; other sources said the number was as high as forty-three.

  2. Stella says:

    Powerful write-up
    May God’s grace help our singles to overcome this pressure that is on a rise in our world today
    Thank you so much

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