Let the Giant within Arise

Happy New Year 2023. This is actually our first article for the year and we are so excited you are still keeping the faith, I guess that’s the reason you are here to read this article.

Many people started the new year with resolutions as well as fasting and prayers for the entire month of January. Meaning February is the actual time to start achieving the set goals for the year. In accomplishing any goal, it is very vital to take bold steps, believing in yourself and trusting God who has brought you this far to take you through. That’s why we thought it wise to begin this year with awakening the giant within you, so that you achieve all you have mapped out for the year.

There are many of us pregnant with purpose, but are sleeping on our assignments, thereby holding down the destinies of many generations because we are just existing, not living in purpose. One of the key tools to affecting your generation is living a life of purpose. “All creation waits with eager longing for God to reveal his children. For creation was condemned to lose its purpose, not of its own will, but because God willed it to be so. Yet there was the hope that creation itself will one day be set free from its slavery decay and would share the Glorious freedom of the children of God.” (Romans 8:19-21). The implication of this scripture is that there are some things that will remain undone on earth because you have not arisen to fulfill your assignment. That’s why there is an earnest call for the children of God to arise and take over their spheres of influence, till the kingdoms of this world becomes the kingdom of our God.

From personal research and interaction with people as to the reasons why they find it difficult to take a step to achieve what they have been called to do, most of them attribute their unwillingness to low self-esteem, one weakness or the other or lack of finances. Many times, we feel like in order to achieve our set goals or the desires God has placed in our hearts to impact our generations, we must be financially flamboyant or perfectly articulate in English language, amongst others. I am here to encourage someone that God wants to use what is already in and around you at the moment.

Let’s use the biblical example of Moses. He was not fluent in speech and gave all reasons why he should not be the one to go to Egypt to and liberate the Israelites. Apart from questioning his innate abilities, he questioned his resources. He did not only say he was slow in speech but he asked God about the proof to show the Israelites and Pharaoh that it was actually God who sent him to do this task. The only question God asked him at this point was “WHAT AT ARE YOU HOLDING?” His response was “A STICK”. According to him, a stick could never be used to do the task he had been assigned to do. But God supernaturally used that stick to perform strange miracles before Pharaoh. (Exodus 4).

My dear reader, God is asking you today “WHAT ARE YOU HOLDING? or WHAT IS IN YOUR HAND (NKJV version)” Look within or around you to see what God has equipped you with. It is more than enough to be used to pursue and achieve that desire God has placed in your heart. Is it starting a new business, getting into ministry, writing a book, etc. You are fully equipped already to impact your generation. The question you should rather be asking is “What is my motive for doing this? Whose life will I impact by this or that, how can I impact more lives? How will this bring Glory to God?” God is willing to use whatever you give to him. Even the weakness of not having a business idea. His word says “His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.” It is just about releasing what you have in you or in your hands to God let him use it to do supernatural things that will liberate a whole generation and the destinies of people around you.

I ask you the question again “WHAT IS IN YOUR HAND?” I urge you to stop and reflect about your passion, desires, resources around you, abilities you are endowed with from birth and ask God how you can use it to impact your generation. It is time dear friend, LET THE GIANT WITHIN YOU ARISE.

Have a blessed 2023.

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3 thoughts on “Let the Giant within Arise

  1. Anonymous says:

    This is quite an awakening write-up. The highlight for me is the phrase which said some things on earth will remain undone until I arise and begin to fulfill my purpose (paraphrased). Thank you 🙏

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