Living Beyond Your Prayer Requests

Every human, regardless of what or who they believe in, at some point in their lives have something they’re hoping for, praying for or working towards.

Sometimes the waiting period until the realization of these desires is longer than we’d prefer. So typical to human nature, we get weary.
Worse still, we start to postpone life. ‘When I get that big job, I’m gonna be so much happier’. ‘When I get married, I can do everything I’ve always wanted to do with my partner’. ‘If God will just make this one thing happen for me, l will be able to do more with my life’. ‘when my business grows and I have more money, I’ll be able to give to others then’. ‘Oh if only God will give me a baby now! I’ll be much happier’… and the list of such statements could go on and on.

Sometimes we are so much zoomed in on that goal, or that big thing we’re anticipating and hoping for, that we forget to live!

So here is your reminder that tomorrow, or next year, or the year after that might not be yours to live.

Stop putting away those ideas, goals and purpose God has placed in your heart to do. Start now! You don’t need to be perfect or very well prepared to start. You don’t need to have it all. Start with what is available to you. With what you’ve got in your hands like was mentioned in the last article on this series. 

If you follow the news, you probably have heard about the recent earthquake that swept across many cities in Turkey and parts of Syria. So many families wiped out. I mean entire families! I know a family of 2 daughters and both parents who all died in the quake. Countless more are mentioned in the news everyday.

Thinking of this I wonder how many of those people who lost their lives so unexpectedly were putting off their dreams, goals, purpose to another day. How many of them were waiting till everything was perfect before they did what their hearts most longed for. Are you a parent waiting till your kids graduate high school before you focus on that thing God has put in your heart to do? Are you single waiting till marriage? Or maybe you’re a student waiting till you graduate… There is never going to be a better time than NOW! 

Stop waiting for a ‘perfect time’. It’s Now

Paul was shut behind bars but that didn’t stop him from writing most of what we know now as the New Testament of the Bible.
Esther was given a death sentence but she didn’t let that drive her into depression. She rose above it.
Rahab didn’t let sin make her feel unworthy and inadequate to entertain children of God. Sometimes we let that sin we are still struggling with prevent us from achieving purpose. But God wants you just as you are because he’ll transform you in the process and you won’t even remember how you overcame that sin because the love and light of God will take over once you submit to him.
Priscilla opened her home to the brethren. She didn’t wait until she had a bigger and prettier house.
Remember the lady who is known as ‘the woman with the issue of blood’? She didn’t let her ‘issue’ stop her from going after what she wanted. It was against the law at that time for her to as much as touch other people given her condition. She didn’t let that stop her. 

All these people despite their unpleasant circumstances still found a way to fulfill purpose  and live their dreams. There’s always a way for it to be done. If God put it in your heart, there’s always going to be a way for it to be done.  All you need to do is ask Him – diligently , persistently and with unwavering faith! 

So what’s stopping you? Sin? Other people’s opinions? Resources? Persecution?  Hand it all over to God. There is a famous saying that says ‘let go and let God’ 

So here’s my prayer for you and for me today… 

Lord help us to live abundantly and pursue purpose even while we wait on you. Help us to live beyond our prayer requests.

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7 thoughts on “Living Beyond Your Prayer Requests

  1. Christian mature lady says:

    Thanks for prayers for me & all our relatives. Some have health woes or several injuries. A few quite bad. Please…& thanks. Email privet..sorry.

  2. Jayde says:

    Please pray for my friend Morgan AKA Momma Morgan as she is going through a divorce right now & her husband has moved out & she has 2 children.

    Your friend
    Ms Jayde

  3. Jeremiah says:

    I’m really grateful to read this message, this message teach me many lessons Oh God
    I will praise your name forever 🙏🙏

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