HEARING GOD’S VOICE – A relationship is fundamental

Welcome to 2025 and Happy New Year! This season, our focus is on hearing the voice of God. This write-up emphasizes the importance of a consistent growing relationship with God, as it enhances our ability to discern His voice.

After working closely with my colleagues for 4 years, I can now recognize their voices and even their footsteps from a distance. When I started working at my current job, I struggled to remember names and distinguish voices, but by making an effort to get to know them better, I formed close relationships which enables me recognize their voices even in a crowd. I thought my ability to recognize colleagues by their voices was unique to me until a junior colleague demonstrated the same skill by recognizing a senior colleague’s footsteps along with the sound of keys jingling without even seeing the person. When I asked how he knew, he explained that he recognized the distinct way each colleague handled their keys, resulting in different sounds. This experience taught me that building a close relationship with someone is key to recognizing voices and distinguishing them from others.

Developing a close relationship with God is essential for hearing His voice and following His leading. A genuine relationship with God through Jesus Christ enhances our ability to hearing God’s voice.  Daily dwelling in his presence will fine-tune our ability to hear his voice.

Jesus’ blood was shed for the forgiveness of mankind’s sins. “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”  (Matthew 26:28). The power of the new covenant in Jesus made possible by His death and resurrection, humanity’s relationship with God has been restored. All we need to do is believe in Jesus Christ, receive His grace by faith, and grow in a loving relationship with God, enabling us to hear His voice and follow His guidance.

If you do not know Jesus Christ or have not yet engaged in a relationship with Jesus Christ, there is hope. Scripture says “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” (Romans 10:9-10).

You can commence this beautiful relationship with God by repenting from sinful ways and believing in the finished works of Jesus Christ. If that is your heart’s desire this moment, You can join us to say this prayer of faith, not just jokingly but let it be sincerely from your heart.
Lord God, you are a great and loving father. Lord, I acknowledge my sins and wrong doings. I come to you this day to cleanse me of my sin and make me whole. I believe in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for my sins and I commit my life to you this day. Take my heart, cleanse me, consecrate me and use me for your glory. Thank you Lord for saving me. Through the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, Amen.”

If you have sincerely prayed this prayer, believe that God has heard you and you are now part of the family of believers. To deepen your relationship with God enabling you to hear His voice and follow His leading, it is important to engage in consistent study of His word and prayer. For more information on word study and prayers, you can click on the following link Here

If you would like further assistance and guidance on developing a closer relationship with God, please feel free to contact us at arisesisterministeries@gmail.com.

God Bless You!

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