I was having a chat with a friend who has been through so much pain. We spoke of how amidst the pain we face in life’s journey, we seek solutions. Some situations she went through seemed not to go away and at a certain point, she turned over to God Read More
The Wilderness Refinery
In the whole land,” declares the Lord, “two-thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one-third will be left in it. This third I will put into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer Read More
A few years back when I just graduated with a first degree from the university, everything seemed to be moving well in life. I got admission into a renowned school where I obtained a master’s degree. Immediately after, I got a job with a very prominent institution. I worked here Read More
Hello dear friends, the focus of our writeups this season is – NAVIGATING THE WILDERNESS SEASON. You may be asking yourself what the wilderness season is. Please just read on… A wilderness is a desert or other area of natural land which is not used by people (COBUILD Advanced English Read More
New identity-New beginning
Someone may ask “what is the best way to have a new beginning?” Can a treat at the spa, some time off for vacation, quitting a job, moving to a new house, etc be a sign of a new beginning? It is rather unfortunate that some people have gotten involved Read More
Have you read our previous posts on New beginnings? If not, please click on these links and go through- new-beginnings-old-baggage and What’s holding you back? Are you considering stepping into a new chapter? These are some helpful tips to consider. Take a quick review and see how far you have come. Yes, you Read More
What’s holding you back?
It is common for human beings to desire new and pleasant things in their lives, that’s why festive seasons such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and days such as Valentine’s Day, weddings, and birthdays are usually widely celebrated because of the new things they bring. It was mentioned in our previous Read More
New Beginnings… Old Baggage
Every new calender year always feels like turning over the pages of a book and starting a new chapter… a new beginning. A new beginning is’nt only at the start of the new year however. The start of a new job, moving to a new place, starting a new business, Read More
Hello dear friend, have you read our recent posts on fellowship? If you have not, please just click on these links Fellowship and the orphan spirit and The wholeness of God In fellowship to access the previous write-ups on fellowship. Our focus in this write-up is on FELLOWSHIP TO BUILD. Take a second Read More
The Wholeness Of God In Fellowship
It is very essential for our mental health to spend time once in a while in the company of friends, peers or colleagues, talking serious and not so serious issues. During such moments, we get the chance to learn and grow from the experiences we share with others. In Read More