Hello dear friends, the focus of our write-ups this season is breakthrough. Usually, a breakthrough will happen after a season of waiting. Waiting especially in moments of hardship is not usually easy. Sometimes the tendency may be to give up on the dreams you had. Other times during the season of waiting you may find yourself questioning your trust and hope in God and the promises through his word to you. Does this sound like something you have been through or currently experiencing?

Please do not give up because God has not given up on you! Life is in seasons and if you keep holding on to God, you will realize there is a purpose for every season. Seasons will come and go and even the hard seasons will surely have a point of breakthrough. If you are at the stage of waiting for a breakthrough, I encourage you to be of good cheer and remain focused on God for He loves you and will come through for you. If we know how to give good gifts to our children, then how much more will our heavenly father give good gifts to those who ask him?(Matthew 7:11). What can be done while you anticipate a breakthrough?

1- Remain Focused.

Don’t give up on God and His word. In Mark 5:24-34, the story is narrated of a woman who had bled for 12 years, had spent all she had on doctors and yet her condition grew worst. Despite her long suffering, worsening condition and the crowd that pressed on Jesus, she remained focus on the word she had heard about Jesus so she pressed on, touched his cloak and immediately she was healed. Jesus recommended this woman for her faith. She did not give up, she believed Jesus Christ could heal her, she acted in faith by staying focused in her pursuit of an encounter with Jesus Christ by touching his cloak and at an instant she was healed- her moment of breakthrough. God is the same and able to do abundantly above all we could ever ask. Don’t give up, stay focused.

2- Prayer and thanksgiving.

Prayer is a medium of communicating with God. In the place of prayer you can present your request to God and receive his response. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7(NIV). Heartfelt prayers please God and when we pray for God’s intervention in our situation, we should expect answers according to His will. Sometimes, our response may come immediately just like Jesus prayed to God on mount olives about the suffering he was going through and God answered by sending an angel which strengthened Jesus (Luke 22:39-44). Other times, the answer may still be a wait but don’t give up. Keep on praying ceaselessly. In Daniel 10, Daniel prayed and did not receive his answer until 21 days. From the first day Daniel started praying, his prayers had been heard and while he was pressing in prayers for 21 days, a spiritual warfare was going on and after 21 days of his prayers, he received his answer.

3- Hold on to God’s word.

What does the word of God say? What has God told you about the situation you are going through? Hold on to these words. A way of holding on till the point of breakthrough is constantly praying God’s word and his promises over your life and the situation. For “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Dies He promise and not fulfil?” (Numbers 23:19). Holding on to God’s word also entails obedience. Obedience is an act of faith which keeps us in the right path of God’s will and definitely leading to the point of breakthrough at the God’s timing.

4- Engage in Praise.

“But You are Holy, O You who are enthroned in (the holy place where) the praises of Israel (are offered). In You our fathers trusted (leaned on, relied on, and were confident); They trusted and You rescued them.” Psalm 22:3-4 (AMP). To the Christian, praising God should be a lifestyle and praise in every circumstance. God is enthroned in our praises and praising God in good and bad times is evidence of trust. In 2 Chronicles 20, three armies were together against Judah and King Jehoshaphat engaged in praise and as they were praising, the Lord set ambushes against their enemies and the armies of the enemies fought against themselves. King Jehoshaphat and the people of Israel praised God and God fought and won their battles. This was breakthrough for the Israelites. Sometimes when in difficult situations and waiting on God for a breakthrough, we find ourselves complaining about the situation. Complaining as much as it may seem right at the time will not help as it progressively saps away faith and strength and amplifies the devils negative influence over our minds and actions. On the contrary, praising and thanking God keeps our focus right, ignites faith which is pleasing to God who fights our behalf, delivering us from adversity .

5- Keep working.

The Lord will bless the works of our hands. Keep working hard at what you are doing. Your breakthrough may be a supernatural blessing on what you are working at. Waiting on God is not a guarantee for laziness. Rather it is working hard on your path but trusting God above your abilities.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Don’t give up on God for God has not given up on you. Keep your focus right! God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.

Remain Blessed


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