7-days Christmas Challenge (Day 5)

Hey sisters! It’s Day 5 of our challengIng ! If you joined in on this challenge, I’d love to know how it went for you at the end of it! Send us an email (arisesisterministries@gmail.com) or you can write in the comments section below.

For me it’s actually been going good! The day 3 challenge (the 7 thank yous) has been especially awesome! It felt so good and fulfilling writing down those thank-yous to my loved ones. I wonder why I haven’t been doing this until now! 😀

So unto day 4!!

Day 4: “Ho Ho Ho Ho”

One thing that makes Christmas fun and interesting – especially for the kids – is Santa or “Father Christmas” is what he’s called where I come from. I loved “Father Christmas” as a child (the child in me still does 🙂 ) . That big ol’ belly and the white beard, but most of all the gifts and treats (It’s funny how kids dont realise its just a man in a costume though! It makes it all even more fun! 😀 ) Everything about “Father Christmas” just brings laughter and joy. One thing that gets the giggles going is when he does the famous Santa greeting; “Ho Ho Ho Ho”. This seems to ignite the laughing engines and you can’t help but smile.

That’s the Christmas spirit. That’s what Christmas is about.

So here’s the challenge for today;


Yea! Just laugh really hard this Christmas. Try to forget about all the problems and unachieved plans and dreams. Try not to be lost in your thoughts and miss the moment. Be present, just put all that away and laugh! For me personally, this is a real challenge! Lol. Because I’m always working out something in my head, ticking off some boxes and counting the unticked ones.

It’s Christmas! Let’s just laugh and enjoy this special time!


A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. (Proverbs 15:13 NIV)

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