Hey sister, have you ever been in a position where you are stuck and do not know what to do? There are a few times when everything around us seems to be heading for doom. Or there are other times when we find ourselves in the midst of so many opportunities but do not know what opportunity to grab and wondering; if I choose this over that, will it satisfy me? All these are engulfed under the question “How do I walk into God’s purpose for my life.”

I have been faced with so many challenges in my adult years. Times when I thought I was making the right decisions but it turned out I was in the wrong direction. There were other times when I allowed my life to be governed by what people thought about me, the things they said I was good at and I actually believed that was God’s plan for me. Other times, people defined me by using other people’s life, saying because I studied this or that, I must be here or there.  Those times, I asked myself what was I made for? Where am I going to? Why should the world epitomize a “god” for me? I actually knew my success was dependent on doing what another person in my field did and was successful. I failed to ask God what his actual plan for me was. I read  Hebrews 6:12  “…imitate those who through faith and perseverance obtained the promise.”  But I twisted it to suit me in my comfort zone, meaning if this person did something, I must do the same thing and I will be successful. I paid no attention to the words “FAITH” and “PERSEVERANCE” in this verse. I focused my eyes on their wealth without taking into consideration whether they were fulfilling God’s purpose for their life or not. I did not even give God the chance to open up my heart to where He was leading me. In all these, I realized that every time I spoke to these people whom I envisioned  being like them, I got more and more depressed. I knew that there was something missing but I just could not identify it. I decided to get down on my knees in fasting and prayers. I was tired of handling issues on my own. I sought God’s direction. Then came the light of His word in a dark path. I got a deep revelation, which forms the foundation of my message to you who may be going through my same dilemma. God showed me the following through His word and  I will like you to reflect on it as you walk into His purpose for your life.

1.) You can be successful and wealthy but not walking in your purpose and not fulfilling destiny.
What is Purpose?

I will define Purpose as using God’s design  to make a valuable contribution to the world.

Gen 12:2-3 “The LORD had said to Abram, go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

You were created to be a blessing to your generation. God made you with a unique design and you can never be another person. So it is not just about following the footsteps of other people (which is good sometimes) but it is more about  following God’s direction, creating your own path and let God use you to fulfil His plan for humanity. If you are on the path to success but do not see how your success will bless other nations, then you need to rethink. Abraham had a great name because he walked in God’s purpose for his life and he had great influence in his generation. You are the seed of Abraham (Gal 3:29). As a seed of Abraham, you carry the same order of  blessings and you must impact your generation. If a story cannot be written about you and your acts to empower the next generation, then you are not walking in your purpose.

2.) Do not Neglect the still soft voice inside you and your inward conviction.

If you are born again, scripture makes us understand that God communicates to you in your spirit and because you are a child of God, your mind is renewed. Therefore, the spirit will always lead you to think about what is true and noble. (Philippians 4:8).

 Prov 20:27 “The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly”.

Many of us neglect this inward conviction and think the Lord speaks in a loud deep male voice. Well it happens to some people but most often, God speaks to us through our spirits and then confirms it in his Word; for God is spirit (John 4:24). Whatever that soft voice says, obey it. Some people refer to this soft voice as instincts but my point is if you are a child of God, whatever others see as instincts, you see it as the spirit’s direction and it never fails because the spirit of the lord lives in you and searches all your inward parts.

3.) Take advantage of opportunities.
Romans 8:19 “For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.”

I used to be scared of public speaking. I turned down opportunities to do certain things because I was scared to fail. I did not want people to laugh at me. But the moment God opened my eyes to see that there is something which will never happen unless I do it, my mentality changed and I began taking advantage of every opportunity. All creation (the whole world) is waiting for you to do something which only you can do. So what are you waiting for? Will you rather die in your secret hole? Everyone is waiting for you sister!You may think your ministry assignment is to sing. Whereas you are actually a preacher or teacher of the word. You may think you are a lawyer but in actual fact you are a counselor. So refuse to see yourself as the world sees you but as God sees you. Whatever task is available to do, do it. If it is giving a speech on behalf of your small group, do it. If it is volunteering in your community, go for it girl!! Experience has shown that the highest place where you can identify your gift is through involvement in your local church. Churches have many activities which actually test your organizational skills, interpersonal skills, etc. Whatever task you find yourself doing, do not minimize it because the way you handle it determines the way you can handle things out of that setting. In doing all these things, you will know your call by the testimonies others will give about the impact of your service in their lives or local assembly, then you can develop it.

4.) Know your Job and your Work.

Your job as I will put it is what you do by virtue of an acquired skill or intellectual sense. But your work is what God placed upon your heart from time immemorial to do.

Eph 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath beforehand ordained, that we should walk in them.

“Many do not gain satisfaction from their job but they gain satisfaction from their work.” (Dr.Myles Munroe). In order to walk into your purpose, you must identify that thing that gives you pleasure. That thing that you can do for hours and hours and even when you wake up from sleep the thought of it excites you. This is your work which is definitely your call. So spend time developing it and working on it in order that it bears fruits. Sometimes your job may just be a means to get resources to accomplish your work. So make sure you put a clear definition on these and invest in your work.

5.) Find Peace

The main way to know if you are walking into your purpose is if you find peace in what you are doing. Remember because you are born again, the holy spirit lives in you and when you go wrong, the holy spirit is grieved. (Eph 4:30). It is the same spirit that convicts you of sin. John 14:26 refers to the holy spirit as the helper and comforter. When you are comforted, you are at peace. So if you do not find peace in whatever you are doing or whatever decision you take, then you need to think again.

Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the PEACE of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Remain blessed.

Gwen Achu



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  1. Anonymous says:

    Just found this! exactly what I needed. I recently quit my job to do the work of Him who sent me. Thank you for posting this for me.

  2. Lucia P. Bush says:

    I appreciate these words of wisdom.
    Helped me to be more confident in myself.
    I know I am not alone.
    Walking in God’s footsteps means to be obedient and faithful.
    To God Be The Glory.✝️

  3. Anonymous says:

    WOW! This is awesome!! I can totally relate to this and I am enlightened by it! Thank you! May God bless you and increase you

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