Finding Completion

A few years ago I was a guest speaker at a relationship conference and seminar – as would be expected. There were other more experienced speakers and teachers than myself there too. I was scheduled to speak towards the end. I wasn’t sure I liked it that way but I was glad I was put towards the end either way.

As I listened to the speakers before me I looked at my notes over and over again – speaking to the Lord and asking myself questions. I was to speak on Finding completion. The entire sessions I listened to seemed to move towards suggesting that without relationship or marriage a person was incomplete and unable to live his/her to the fullest. I questioned this in my heart and decided that I wasn’t going with that path.

You are not a half looking to be made whole. God made you complete, gave you all things that pertain to life Godliness. No where did the bible call you or me a half of something or someone.

Two are better than one the He said the bible never said one is better than half. I am an unrepentant believer in the joy, sweetness and beauty of relationship and marriage. I believe that a working relationship and marriage is the closest we can be to experiencing the joy of heaven before we finally get there. However to believe you are incomplete and that a relationship or marriage will make you whole is to set yourself up for real frustration in the future.

Many years after speaking in that conference and having more experience now I can say it over and again that people who sit and day dream of what they will become when they get into a relationship or get married never really become what they dreamed of. They never found that completion in their partner simply because they were looking for what they already had inside of them. To go in search of completion is to admit that you are incomplete in yourself and somehow that is also to accuse God of doing a shabby and incomplete job which He never does.

Nothing external makes you complete, your completeness is all within you, fully and perfectly fitted upon creation.

You are the definition and picture of God on earth, a reflection and shadow of all the beauty heaven in one piece, that just doesn’t sound incomplete in anyway.

Searching for completion?  Thinking of finding completion ?
Do not look far away. 
* Look inside of yourself. It is not in any 'him', it is in you
* Discover your gifts, talents and your God-given advantage 
* Explore to the fullest the possibilities ahead of you 
* Dream big and wake up to make those dreams happen
* Serve your gift to the Lord and His people

Chigozie George



                                                                                Chigozie George is an educationist by training.

He has been involved in youth ministry for over 12 years helping to mentor and bring out best in many people.

He is interested in leadership and relationships and loves to write and share his experiences.

Over the years he has had the privilege of hosting and speaking at many leadership and relationship conferences.

He hopes to inspire people to live a full and complete life and to achieve their God-give purpose


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