Dealing With Rejection

A few years ago I obtained my first degree and graduated from the University. I was so excited to get out there in the World, find a job and start earning some Money. Finally I could be independent – that was my sole goal and dream. I just wanted to stop being dependent on my parents for my personal needs. I longed so much for independence – financial independence.

Unfortunately, it didn’t go as planned. It wasn’t all smooth and easy like I thought and had faith it will be. For the next one year I was in an unsuccessful search for a job. It was a tough period for me. Didn’t enjoy it! Every time my phone rang I secretly hoped and wished it was finally going to be a phone call about an application I’d dropped somewhere. I don’t know what was worse; no response at all or a rejection email. At least getting a response – whether good or bad – was better than the agony of being left in limbo. I got rejected – many times.

I know we all face some sort of rejection in the course of our lives. You may be rejected for a job like in  my case or rejected by family, peers, society, etc. Whatever it may be, we all face or have faced some sort of rejection and I know that feeling of rejection isn’t a good one. It definitely doesn’t feel great and if not handled rightly may lead to even more adverse effects.

So how do we deal with rejection. Here are a few points that could help you when you face rejection.

  1. Do not let people or circumstances define you.

The voices of rejection could be very loud. They have a way of reaching past the farthest part of your mind and sinking deep into your soul. If you don’t pay attention, those voices begin to dictate to you who you are. If you keep on hearing ‘your not good enough’ , ‘you’re not beautiful enough’, ‘you’re not smart enough’, ‘your not enough’… and you let these statements dwell in you, there’s a tendency that you will start believing them and subconsciously become them. Words have such tremendous power than we can imagine! We hear this all the time – ‘words are powerful’ – so much so that it’s become just one of those sayings now. But really you need to know the truth in that statement and be consciously aware of the words you speak and the words you allow your mind to dwell on.

You should let the Word of God define and determine who you are, what you are and what you want to be. When you know what He says about you, no form of rejection will be able to break you.

Now I’d just like to clarify one thing. There’s a difference between the voice of rejection and the voice of the truth. Sometimes we get to a point where we believe in a lie so much that it becomes ‘truth’ to us and we feel like we are rejected when we are tried to be corrected or told the truth. We need to learn to accept correction and not take it as rejection.

“Sanctify them by the truth; your Word is truth.” John 17:17NIV

  1. Turn rejection into an injection

Rejection could have adverse consequences on the life of an individual. It could lead to discouragement, demoralization and low self esteem. A young graduate like in my case who applies for so many jobs but keeps on getting rejected could easily get weary and give up. And that’s where we sometimes fail. Persistence and patience are virtues that are very hard to master. A young lady who’s rejected by her peers, or by society begins to feel inadequate about herself. You begin to wonder if those words are really true and if you really are not good enough.

Personally, when I get rejected, I choose not to get weary and discouraged. I use that rejection to fuel my drive. I choose to look at myself through the eyes of God who sees more in me than I or anyone else could ever see in me. I dare to say I’m more when they say I’m less. I work hard to prove that they were wrong.

So if you’re facing any sort of rejection right now, I’d like to encourage you today to use those words of rejection as an injection to spur you up into action. An action to prove that you are more than what they say.

For you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 NIV

  1. Focus on your purpose

A life without purpose is like the waves of the sea – tossed from one side to another by any passing wind. Rick Warren had to write a whole book about a purpose-driven life because that’s how important it is to live a life of purpose (If you haven’t read that book yet by the way, I recommend you do ). The importance of this cannot be overemphasized.

When you know your purpose, rejection is only going to be a temporary obstacle.

You are not going to be easily broken or moved just because someone or a group of people don’t think you’re good enough. When you know what you are living for, who you are living for and even why you are living in the first place, it’s going to be easier for you to handle any form of rejection because you’re focused on the ultimate goal. You have a vision and your eyes are fixed on it. You need to discover your purpose in life and focus on it.

If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed. Proverbs 29:18MSG

Let’s Talk, I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below;

  • Have you ever faced any form of rejection before?
  • How did you deal with it?


Remain blessed


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