When Jesus Prays for Us

It’s so fascinating and amazing to know Jesus recognizes potentials in people who seem ordinary and untalented.
Peter and John looked like ordinary fishermen, but Jesus saw in Peter the potentials of being a great fisher of men, a great preacher and pillar of the church.

The lord knew Peter than himself, he knew he was hotheaded, that he spoke before he thought and could easily be influenced( his flaws). But the lord also knew Peter was basically loyal and devoted and that his intentions were for the best. The lord overlooked his weaknesses and saw in him the potential for being a great leader.

Not only Jesus notices us

Jesus recognized all these about Peter, but Satan also saw peter’s potentials for leadership and sought for ways to prevent him. As we try please God in doing good, Satan is angered.

Now we get to understand why when we decide to serve God we are exposed to more trouble and problems. Satan puts roadblocks on our way. We should know that every child of God who knows the value of prayers is a threat to unrighteousness and evil. A closer walk with the lord means Satan has one less mouth for gossip, one less mind to think evil, one less pair of feet to trample on good people.

Sometimes we ask why the lord puts so much upon us, but many times it isn’t the lord but Satan. If your cross is heavy don’t blame God but blame Satan for Jesus said, My yoke is not grievous my yoke is easy and my burdens are light( mtt 11:30). There’s joy in serving the lord.

Benefits when Jesus prays for us. Jesus said to Peter, “Simon behold Satan has desired to have you but I have prayed for you”. In and of ourselves, we are no match for Satan. Let’s not think we are holy enough, righteous enough to take on Satan. Although we can’t match with Satan we should remain consoled since we have a savior who’s praying for us. Keep the following in mind; 

• It’s more than wonderful to know that Jesus is praying for us. There’re times we are overburdened and we can’t make a prayer through, Jesus prays for us. God knows all about us because we have Jesus who constantly brings our case before heaven’s mercy seat.
• Paul understood the power of intercessory prayers when he wrote to the church in Rome( Roman8:26-27) the spirit helps us in our weakenesses… The spirit intercedes in groans… He who searches the hearts of men knows what the spirit wants.
• It’s good to have Jesus pray for us because he sees in the future. When we pray for the seen, Jesus prays for the unseen.
• It’s good to have Jesus pray for us because he knows what to pray for. Like he told Peter, I’ve prayed that your faith will not fail. Most often we pray for what we don’t really need.
Jesus knows it’s faith we need to stand the tricks of the evil one and if faith fails, we will fall. For to have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for( Heb11:1). The only thing that kept Job going was his faith and trust in God. Where after he lost everything he only could say in faith l know my redeemer liveth( job 19:25-27).
• When Jesus prays for us victory is assured. Peter received victory not because he was holy and good but because Jesus prayed for him( Luke 22:32).
• It’s good to have Jesus pray for us because wonderful things happen when Jesus prays. Five barley loaves of bread and two fish fed 5000 men because Jesus prayed over them. Men received their sights, the lame could leap for joy, the deaf could hear the good news of a dawning kingdom and the dumb sang praises to God. On the cross of Calvary Jesus pray father forgive them…(luke23:34) and my sins and yours were washed away.

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