Four Habits to Develop For a Peaceful Life

A peaceful life is something that most people desire and work hard for. No one wants a life filled with troubles and conflict within and around them. No one wants to live in an environment where they can’t have a cool head, relax and thrive. That’s why a wise man once said “A crushed spirit dries up bones”(Prov 17:22).

Without peace, instead of living our lives, we have to endure it.

Peace is a good and desirable thing that we should always strive for and work hard to maintain.  So in this blog post, I’m going to write about some habits you can develop to have peace and remain in it.

1. Deal With Your Problems, Don’t Ignore Them

I read a beautiful quote by Donald Walters that said “You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems, but by confronting them courageously“. I totally agree with him.

As Christians sometimes we could unknowingly get to a point where we are in denial and become complacent because we misunderstand the concept of faith. We think by ignoring our problems and not actively working towards getting a solution is a proof that we have faith and we trust that God will handle it. That’s a misconception. When we have faith in God, yea we KNOW He’s working out everything for our good but we take ACTIONS and make MOVES to prove our faith in Him. If I can’t find a job for example and I just sit at home all day, lock up myself in my room and pray, it’ll be a while before I find one! But if I take a step of faith and take my CV even to the companies where people say it’s almost impossible to get employed in, then that’s faith! We won’t get peace by ignoring our problems but by tackling them head on!

2. Be Ouick To Forgive and Let Go

Unforgiveness and holding grudges are some of the biggest thieves of peace.  When people hurt and disappoint you or you hurt or disappoint others, don’t hold on to it! Let it go! Sometimes we are hardest on ourselves and we can’t find any peace within because we keep beating ourselves up and we wouldn’t let go. God doesn’t hold on to your sin so don’t either. Forgive others, forgive yourself, let go and let God have his way!

3. Avoid Unhealthy Competition and Jealousy

With the internet and social media nowadays, unhealthy competition and jealousy slowly slide into people’s hearts, sometimes they don’t even notice it. With all the perfectly edited pictures and “perfect” lives displayed out there nowadays people especially the younger generation measure up themselves to standards that are literally impossible to achieve because they are only digital. When they don’t get these impossible standards they’ve set for themselves they aren’t happy and are not at peace within. We have to let go of those things or we’ll never be at peace with ourselves. Focus on what God is making out of you and strive to become the best “YOU” you could ever be. Everyone is unique and different. Don’t try to be someone else. Learn what you can from other people’s lives amd progress but never get jealous of them.

4. Don’t always try to Have the Last Word

For peace to reign, especially in a misunderstanding between people, one person has to be willing to let go of their opinion and let another opinion have way – there has to be a compromise. If everyone sticks to their opinion and aren’t ready to budge, there’ll be no peace. Let’s try to be the ones who’ll be willing to compromise for peace to reign.


Paul said to the church in Rome in his letter to them… he said:  If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. (Romans 12:18)

Dear sister, living a peaceful life depends majorly on you. Are you willing to fight for peace?



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