Welcome to the month of March! The theme we would dwell on throughout this month is DIVINE POSITIONING.

This first write-up for the month focuses on POSITIONING FOR UPLIFTMENT.

We who believe in God know that nothing happens to us by chance.  Wherever or in which ever situation we find ourselves, be it pleasant or not, we live with that consciousness that God is all-knowing. That is why we often say with confidence; In everything give thanks for it is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us”.We can trust God to order every step and stage of our lives. God will carefully put us in certain positions at certain times so as to prepare us for the next level. Just think of how a baby grows through the different stages of its development. From a newborn, the baby grows to an infant, to a toddler, then to an adult. Every stage it goes through is very vital in preparing it for the next.

Drawing inspiration from the story of Joseph, we can understand the perfect plan in Divine positioning. Through his dreams, Joseph certainly perceived he was destined for greatness. Yet, he humbled himself to go through every stage of torment because it was necessary for the next position in his life (Genesis 37). Positively overcoming the torments Joseph received from his brothers prepared him to overcome the temptation at Potiphar’s house. He kept a positive attitude all along, yet he ended up in prison. Though in prison, he never gave up. I am sure he kept saying to himself; “I must live the reality of my dreams“.  While in prison, Joseph still trusted God. He interpreted dreams and focused every one’s attention on God. Joseph interpreted the dream of Pharaoh’s chief cupbearer who was in prison. Joseph assured the cupbearer that he would be freed from prison and restored to his function. When the cupbearer was freed from prison, he forgot Joseph and after two years, Pharaoh had a dream and he needed interpretation. It was then that the cupbearer remembered Joseph and told Pharaoh about his ability to interpret dreams and the King sent forJoseph who was brought to him. Through God’s enablement, Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams and also gave Pharaoh a survival plan to prevent starvation for the next 14 years. By translating God’s plan for Egypt into practical actions to be implemented, Joseph was able to save a nation from starvation. Joseph moved from the prison and quickly rose to royal service, in charge of the whole land of Egypt (Genesis 41). Even Joseph’s prison term was a position for upliftment and though a foreigner, he became governor in Egypt (Genesis 41:37-44).

We would live our dreams if we keep a positive attitude even when we find ourselves in positions we did not hope for. At certain times in life, we pray to be at certain positions, we even try to stay positive and in the right relationship with God, yet we find ourselves  in difficult positions which we do not desire or never love to be in. Wherever you are, keep trusting God. We may be in some positions because God wants us to live those experiences so as to prepare us for a higher position. At other times in life, God may keep us in  “low” positions just to raise us to our desired positions when we are most needed. When we read the story of Esther, we understand that it was the will of God that Queen Vashti be replaced  by Esther the  young orphan  who was adopted by her cousin Mordecai. Through Esther, the  Jews  were saved during the reign  of King Xerxes when Haman made the evil plans. (Esther 4).

There is a Divine purpose for every position we find ourselves in. For God has called us with a holy calling, not according to our works but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began (2Timothy 1:9).

We therefore are positioned according to the purpose  of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will. Whatever position we find ourselves is a necessary road that leads us to our desired positions in life.

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