Sure the Caption “COVID-19 CAN BE CURED” got your attention. Yes it got my attention too. Never have I seen a scene where the world is helpless. It started like a joke but just few months later its just crazy. And I keep asking myself, how did we get here? How did we not see this coming upon all the nations of the World? Then I keep wondering can this be punishment from God for our sins, but then He Promised Never to destroy the world after flood in Genesis 6-8 so what is this? Just wondering like every other person. After watching the news and seeing the Panic and all, I went to God in prayers and in the place of prayer some truths were revealed which is the reason for this write up today. First of all, I crave your indulgence to be patient and read through because there is a strong message from God to us. Please don’t miss out on this message to safe humanity.

3 Obvious Facts

  • Is it not obvious that we have magnified the Name of Corona Virus on the whole earth than the Name of Jesus? In every home, on the news, even from our lips, we can’t make 5 sentences these days without calling the name CORONA VIRUS or COVID-19.
  • Is it not obvious that “We” (Human Beings) have lost our Creation right? We have sold our birth right to some other powers. We are the only creatures created in the Image of God but we have traded our position and we are not dominating as we should. (Genesis 1:2-28 “ So God Created Man in His own Image…Then God blessed them and God said to them, be fruitful and Multiply; fill the earth and Subdue it; have DOMINION over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and everything that moves on the earth.”)
  • Is it not obvious that we do not fear the Virus but we fear death? Therefore, when we pray, we do not pray against the Virus because we don’t want it but because we are afraid to die. It could be any other airborne disease like Catarrh or Cough but because of the fear, it has rather led to death. People hardly ever pray against catarrh and it never gets the attention like Corona Virus because obviously catarrh does not kill. As a result of the fear of this new Virus, it has become a pandemic, killing more than any other virus (HIV/AIDS, Ebola, etc).

I will go a little further on this point of FEAR.  Note that every agent of darkness operates better where there is fear. When the enemy sends out an arrow, it roams around the earth looking for fear. When it finds fear, it thrives on it. That’s why these days, the least cough you have, even if it is just about clearing your throat you want to check if its symptoms of Corona Virus. This fear gives room for the agent of darkness in the Name of Corona to thrive thereby leading to death. That’s why the main thing Jesus did by His death and resurrection was to conquer “Death” (Death has been swallowed up in victory-1 Corinthians 15:54). So God was not stupid to have allowed Jesus to go down into Hades and now He is the Living one and Holds the Keys of death and Hades. (“I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.” Rev 1:18).

A point of note is that whatever we fear will happen to us. Yes! Even Job testified same. (Job 3:25 “For the thing I feared has come upon me and what I dreamed has happened to me.”

After laying these facts straight, what Does God want from us? I heard this message clearly.

The Message
“I do not know why my children are dying in unbelief. They have started believing in the news more than my Word. At home, they have developed the attitude of being on t.v before me. Even Families that used to have a routine prayer schedule have stopped by watching the news and putting it above me.
My People now pray to me out of the place of FEAR, not FAITH therefore, I cannot answer as speedily as I should.
Get back to that place of faith. I am not just “a god”. I am “THE GOD”. I am mighty to save. Let them call upon me from the place of faith that I may hear and answer. I cannot prove myself in fear lest they think nature just had its full course or science made it happen. Get back to that place of Faith. Let not the hearts of men be hardened or dismayed for I am still God and I will forever be God. Magnify the Name of the Lord more than anything else.” 


After saying all these, there is a huge demand for us to spare out the next 7 days to pray. You may fast, use just your morning devotion/evening devotion time, or however you want it but let’s take these prayer points seriously.

  1. We take back our birth right at creation and take dominion over every nation and city of the earth, and over every living thing that moves on the earth (this includes Corona Virus which is a moving thing on the earth).   Anchor Scripture: Genesis 1:27-28, John 10:34-35, Psalms 82:6
  2. We destroy every name that sets itself in comparison or against the name of Jesus and bring it subject to the name of Jesus. (This includes Corona Virus which has become the trending name on everyone’s lips). Anchor Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.
  3. We declare that at the mention of the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. (Therefore there is no name Corona Virus that is an exception).  We vow to give God the Glory due his name and not Corona Virus. A dead man is hardly spoken about after his funeral. As far as we are concerned, Corona Virus is dead and should not be on our lips again. We will stop magnifying its name but Give God the Glory due to His name. Anchor Scripture: Philippians 2:9-11.
  1.  We declare that the voice of the Lord is mighty and powerful, full of majesty. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness, it divides flames of fire. The voice of the Lord is over many waters. We beseech you Lord to speak your word, let your voice be heard and let the earth come back to its form. Anchor Scripture: Psalms 29
  2. The Lord will roars and the heaven and earth trembles. But the Lord will be a refuge for His People. Lord we beseech thee to roar over the earth as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Let the earth tremble at the sound of your voice. Anchor Scripture: Joel 3:16-17.
  3. We take authority over every form of fear and we declare that we will not allow the Corona Virus to thrive on our fears which will lead to death. (This cannot be over emphasized so I will just drop a number of scriptures). 2 Timothy 1:7, Psalms 23:4, Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 35:4, Revelations 1:17, Psalms 91, Isaiah 41:10. Isaiah 43:1-6.
  1. We declare that there is no other God than our God. He alone is God. He is the first and the Last, He will never share His Glory with any other person. We give God back His priority seat in our lives and over the earth. Anchor Scripture: Isaiah 41:4, Isaiah 42:8, Revelations 4:8-11.

Thanks for reading through. This too shall pass in Jesus Name.



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  1. Chingang says:

    Touching indeed we have lost our way in the road life and vanity has taken over our soul but together we should fight against our sins not COVID 19 and ask for forgiveness to the LORD Almighty

  2. Chana blanche says:

    Amennnnnn God must take his place in our lives, family Nation and the world. We can’t share his glory with what so ever. Take your place lord🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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