Taking Pride By Its Horns II

Pride is our subtle enemy. I’d like to emphasize that the kind of pride that we’ll be looking at in this article shouldn’t be confused for self-esteem, assertiveness or feeling proud about one’s achievements. Take a look at this article for more details on what pride is not. The pride we need to take by the horns is unhealthy pride that “magnifies self” above others.

We understand that we are humans and have weaknesses and sometimes, it is not even evident to us that we are prideful. For this reason, it is essential for us to be intentional about not letting pride override us and rather train ourselves in humility. So how do we deal with pride? In a previous write-up, we gave a few ways which can help us deal with pride.  Click on this article – Taking Pride By Its Horns  for more details on how we can deal with pride and this present write-up continues with some steps on overriding pride.

Some steps on dealing with pride include:

  • Renewing your mind by pondering on the life of Jesus Christ.

Pride is nurtured in the mind and dealing with pride entails a mindset transformation.  The word of God shows us the life of Jesus Christ on earth which was a life of total humility.

Humility counteracts pride. The life of Jesus Christ on earth is a clear picture of how we can function in humility. Jesus Christ is God who became human. This is the creator of everything yet in all humility, He became human and dwelled among his creation. (John 1:1-14). It is amazing to know that Jesus came to the earth to die for sinners so that we can be reconciled to God. He was God and all powerful yet at certain times when people blasphemed or insulted Him, He did not say a word.  He was humble in His relationship with God and was out to do only what God asked Him to do. Throughout His time on the earth, Jesus functioned in total humility. The disciples looked up to Jesus as their Lord and master. Yet Jesus served his disciples in love and humility and even washed their feet.

“ When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them.  “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am.  Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.  Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.  Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” (John 13:12-20)

Jesus’ humble lifestyle is an example He sets for us to emulate. Serving attracts blessings and genuine service comes from a place of humility. While pride stirs up resistance, humility attracts favor. An example of how we can emulate Jesus’ humble lifestyle is by learning to consider others before self and serving them. For instance, if you are a bank manager, you should not pride yourself in always wanting your subordinates to bow before you. Rather have a mindset of willing to foster the welfare of others by rendering your talents in banking which can help them better manage their finances.

Walking in humility is not very easy especially when it seems you will be taken for granted. Nevertheless unlike pride, humility is the lifestyle God cherishes. It is possible to nurture and walk in humility and the first way of doing this is by a mind transformation which comes through meditating on the word of God.

  • Praying and yielding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer is communicating with God and this can really help in dealing with pride. One way of dealing with pride is learning to go to God in prayer like a child – very humble and transparent. You can confess this sin of pride and seek God’s help to deal with it. The Holy Spirit is our God-given help and dwells in us. The Holy Spirit can prick us to the consciousness that we are being prideful. It then becomes our own duty to yield to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, turn away from pride and walk in humility.

I remember a day when a senior colleague who was atleast 20 years older than me did something which was wrong to me. All other colleagues approved that what he did was wrong. I decided to confront this elderly colleague about what he did and I spoke very rudely to him. The other colleagues applauded me but once I got to my office, I could get a soft voice of the Holy Spirit prompting me to go back and apologize to this elderly colleague. What he did may have been wrong but my approach of talking rudely to him was not right either and did not address the issue either. I felt like not apologizing but I finally decided to yield to the Holy Spirit and apologize. At that point, it felt like I was weak and taken for granted but thereafter, that move really nourished a better working environment between my senior colleague and myself.

  • Ascribing all Glory to God.

In Genesis 39, 40 and 41, we see that Joseph was put incharge of all other prisoners yet, we see him serving his subordinates with his talent of dream interpretation. In his humble service, Joseph interpreted the dream of the King’s cupbearer who had been put in prison. We notice that before even interpreting the dream, Joseph acknowledged God as the giver of the gift of interpretation and acknowledged that the giver is more important than the gift. So he already ascribed to God the glory which came with functioning in the gifts God had bestowed on him. When this king’s cupbearer was restored to his position as Pharoah’s servant, he recommended Joseph to interprete Pharaoh’s dreams and when Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams, Joseph was made ruler in Egypt. While pride stirs up resistance, humility attracts favor.

Have you ever found yourself in a position where you use your talents to do something good and people appreciate you so much that you so much that you take the glory and forget about the giver of the talents? Ascribe the glory to God! It is not bad for people to appreciate and encourage you but always make sure that you acknowledge God the giver of the talents and ascribe the glory to God so that you do not become prideful.

There are many steps which we can intentionally take to deal with pride and through this write-up, we mentioned a few. Notwithstanding, remember that finding a solution to any disease starts by identifying the disease. You can take some time to do an introspection and identify some signposts which may be unique to you, indicating that you are walking in Pride. Then take some intentional steps to walk in humility.

God Bless You.



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