The Wholeness Of God In Fellowship


It is very essential for our mental health to spend time once in a while in the company of friends, peers or colleagues, talking serious and not so serious issues. During such moments, we get the chance to learn and grow from the experiences we share with others.

In this article, I will focus on being in the company of believers; that is fellowship with brethren in the faith or who affirm and believe in Christ Jesus.

Being in the fellowship of believers is very vital for spiritual growth and strength. As individuals, we each carry specific spiritual gifts and abilities given to us to accomplish specific tasks for the Glory of God. One person can’t have the ability to do all the tasks geared at advancing the kingdom of God. We are like the different parts that make up one body. No part functions independently of the other.

I need you, you need me, for we all are part of God’s body.

When we meet in the fellowship of believers, identify our different gifts and roles and begin to function in them, we showcase the WHOLENESS of God in all its Glory.

Our creator God desires that we live in fellowship with brethren in the faith so as to grow, be strengthened and encouraged by each other. Jesus Christ affirmed this in Matthew;18:19-20( I also tell you this: if two of you agree on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in haven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.) This confirmation is what makes fellowship with believers most essential and beneficial. The presence of God is always there because the gathering is in His honour. God’s Glory is revealed through fellowship as His Spirit gives brethren the ability to fully operate in their gifts and purposes all to make the Gospel of Christ spread abroad.

Let us try to look at some benefits of Christian fellowship


No matter what level we are in faith, we receive new strength when we join the fellowship of believers. There are some times in our lives when our faith is seriously tried, we even feel so worried that we are tempted to doubt our faith. When we belong to a group of believers, we can share and learn from the testimonies of others. It could be on how they went through similar or worst situations and how by the power of God they overcame.  Then we can get on our feet again and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. We receive strength to stay focused on our God given purpose particularly in those times when nothing seems to be working out for us. For example if you didn’t get that job our promotion you felt you were very deserving of or you lose a dear one, or maybe you didn’t make it in exams or sickness is weighing you down…

These challenges can bring a lot of anger, anxiety and regrets in us that if we are left to ourselves, we can be led astray in wild thoughts just to seek a way out. When we share with brethren, we pray and study God’s word and are reminded of his promises. Hebrews10:24-25(let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Let us not give up on the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all the more, since you see that the Day of the Lord is coming nearer). We have a duty to show love and concern for one another, to encourage and help one another. When we meet constantly we build up those who are down as well as remind ourselves of how we were expected to live.


Solitude with God is necessary for Spiritual enrichment and growth, likewise fellowship with brethren. Thus a combination of both makes us grow faster and stronger. When we study the word, we are being ministered to differently and so when we meet and share our inspirations, and also pray together, we are given the gift of learning and understanding. We are also given clearer directions on how we can carry on with our assignments as individuals or a group for the Glory of God. If we constantly and committedly engage ourselves, we find our feet firmer as we grow more and more in Christ. 1corinthians14:26(this is what I mean my brothers and sisters, when you meet for worship, one person has the hymn, another a teaching, another a revelation from God, another a message in strange tongues and still another the explanation of what is said. Everything must be of help to the church). We are able to identify our different gifts and use them accordingly. Though different people we show the ONENESS of God in fellowship.


Our lives are constantly under check when we join a meeting of believers. We are constantly reminded of our tasks and assignments for Christ either directly or when we watch how committed and seriously others are taking up theirs. We are conscious of the fact that we owe it as a duty to live right; both for God and for man. We make every effort to praticalize our Christianity, since much is expected of us by those who look up to us and those we look up to. We don’t have that leniency to freely go about doing just what we like which is wrong in the sight of God. The world is having a great influence on the church such that many Christians are misguided to assume worldly standards I almost everything. Constant fellowship guides us to make wise choices. Fellowship gives us a compelling duty to live as role models.


We can easily compromise on our faith when we try to walk alone. Many who once believed have fallen away and so many are at the verge of falling because they tried to walk alone. The Christian  race is not an easy one to be undertaken alone. Even Jesus understood the tasks and challenges and so choose 12 amongst his disciples whom he called apostles. He didn’t work alone. It is true we all be judged individually, but the race needs to be undertaken as a group so as to encourage and strengthen those who may want to give up along the way. Joining a group of believers will help us stay on the path of truth much longer than we would if we were alone. This is because we wouldn’t have the leniency to lazy about as we would always have work to do to keep our zeal for God aflame.

Unfortunately, many people shy away from belonging to a church group under the guise that they are  either not financially capable or they don’t have time. Some even say “salvation is personal” and excuse themselves for not belonging. We all can serve and are expected to serve God as individuals, but when we join the meeting of Godly people we are empowered to serve better at individual levels. As humans we sometimes need that push when we feel lazy. We can get encouragement from others to keep the zeal alive.

Ironically, many belong to different social groups, which isn’t a bad thing though, but find it hard to join a church group which can give their spiritual lives a boost.

Dear reader, if for some reason you have been dragging your feet from joining a Christian group, I pray you find some reason from this article to do so. May we all desire more and more to be in fellowship with brethren of the faith where God has promised always to be.



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