The 5 Sisters Who Dared To Ask

It was a warm evening and the girls sitting in their tent looked at each other as they resolved to carry out their plan.  They stood up and holding hands made their way out of the tent and started their short walk towards the place of meeting. As they walked by the other tents scattered around the camp, their hearts raced within them but finding strength in each other they marched on.
When they arrived the tent of meeting, all the leaders were seated there. The chiefs of the tribes, the high priest, the entire congregation of the people and Moses himself! The man whose face will shine so bright sometimes everyone will have to hide from him out of fear.
Here they were in the midst of all these people about to do something that has never been done before, something which some would think is outrageous for women to do.
Shivers ran down their spines and for a second, Mahlah the oldest sister wondered if she had just endangered her sisters’ lives by leading them to do this daring thing. Tirzah, the youngest felt her knees go weak beneath her and Milcah squeezed her hand tightly, looking into her eyes and giving her a nod of encouragement.
Well this was it, they had come this far and there was no turning back now. So Mahlah began her speech…

Before we get to the speech…

This is a story found in the book of Numbers (my version of it). A story of 5 sisters called Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah – the daughters of Zolephehad. You can read the original story in Numbers 27.

Now onto the speech…

 “Our father died in the wilderness. He wasn’t part of Korah’s rebel anti-God gang. He died for his own sins. And he left no sons. But why should our father’s name die out from his clan just because he had no sons? So give us an inheritance among our father’s relatives.”
Numbers‬ ‭27‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭MSG‬‬

These women dared to go in front of a congregation of people to demand for what was rightfully theirs. In a culture where women were expected to be quiet and follow the lead of the men, where it wasn’t expected of a woman to demand for what they were asking for.
It was a bold and daring move.  Yet these women did it and yes it did pay off!

God ruled: “Zelophehad’s daughters are right. Give them land as an inheritance among their father’s relatives. Give them their father’s inheritance.”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭27‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Reading this inspiring story of these 5 bold sisters, it occurred to me that sometimes we keep quiet when we should speak up and the cost of our silence is bigger than we know.

Have you ever faced a situation where you felt you were being cheated, sidelined, overlooked or under looked?

Have you ever been scared of asking for something that you know you deserve but somehow it looks too big and daring an ask?
Whether is asking for a promotion you deserve or asking for more from your relationships, or even asking for something from God in prayer.
Have you ever felt like it’s too big to ask? Even though you know you deserve it?

Here are 3 points from the story of the daughters of Zelophehad that you should remember when faced with a situation as such

1. Know Your Worth and Refuse to Settle For Less. 

The girls knew it was going to be unfair for their father’s inheritance to be lost just because he had no sons. This was unfair and they refused to settle for less.
Are you aware of who you are? Of what you are worth?
Don’t settle for a relationship in which you aren’t treated well or for a position below your true worth. Don’t settle for less than what God has said is available to you. Bring yourself to awareness of all that you are worthy of and accept nothing less than that because you deserve it. Daniel knew all too well about this. After researching, he discovered that he and his people were meant to be out of captivity yet they were still in captivity. So he decided to speak up. (Daniel 9:2)

2. Challenge the Status quo When Required 

Sometimes just because an idea is widespread or even cultural accepted and established, doesn’t make it right. Sometimes such ideas need to be challenged.
The girls said ‘”Why should the name of our father be taken away from his clan because he had no son?” They dared to ask a valid question that others were probably too scared to ask. Remember that sometimes the situation won’t change until someone speaks up. That someone may just be you.
So maybe you need to take a look around your family, community, church, society… Is there a status quo that needs to be challenged? Ask God for the boldness to help you do so.

3. Its bigger Than You

The outcome of the bold act the daughters of Zelophehad carried out transcended just them collecting the inheritance of their dad. Their lineage was going to be affected by this bold action of their mothers. Other women in the same situation like them benefited from their boldness. The law was changed because of them:
”“Then tell the People of Israel, If a man dies and leaves no son, give his inheritance to his daughter. If he has no daughter, give it to his brothers. If he has no brothers, give it to his father’s brothers. If his father had no brothers, give it to the nearest relative so that the inheritance stays in the family. This is the standard procedure for the People of Israel, as commanded by God through Moses.”“
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭27‬:‭8‬-‭11‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Many people might just be waiting for you to take the bold step. The lives of more people than you could imagine might just depend on you carrying out a daring act of faith.

So it’s my prayer for you and for me today that we will be emboldened and empowered by the Spirit of God to speak up when it is required, to challenge status quos and dare to step out of the crowd, to refuse to settle for less. I pray that God will reveal to you your total worth and help you grow the faith required to receive it and nothing less. 


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