Hello sisters! In our most recent video, Apiseh shared some strategies to help you achieve your goals this year. She mentioned Vision Boarding as one of these strategies. A few of you requested a template of a vision board. So here is a free resource that’ll help you learn more Read More
Tag: purpose

Hash Tag Single Life
If there could be one hashtag that will perfectly and very accurately describe your life, #singlelife is probably it and you are so over it! You probably want to use other hashtags like #couplegoals or #relationshipgoals or better yet you’d like your own personalised hashtag that’s made of a fusion Read More

A New Beginning Part 2
I love listening to people talk about their past experiences especially when it’s a testimony of how they got through a difficult or a seemingly impossible situation. There’s something very encouraging and inspiring about someone who went through a challenging time and came out strong on the other side. I Read More

Setting Your Priorities Straight
How many times have you walked past that really stunning dress/shoe/bag just sitting there in the window and you pause in your steps, take those few steps back and stare at it again, feeling like it was made just for you – thinking how perfect you’ll look in it and Read More

Dealing With Rejection
A few years ago I obtained my first degree and graduated from the University. I was so excited to get out there in the World, find a job and start earning some Money. Finally I could be independent – that was my sole goal and dream. I just wanted to Read More

Finding Completion
A few years ago I was a guest speaker at a relationship conference and seminar – as would be expected. There were other more experienced speakers and teachers than myself there too. I was scheduled to speak towards the end. I wasn’t sure I liked it that way but I Read More