THE HOLY SPIRIT – The source of your Atomic Personality

The Holy Spirit is a Companion assigned to us once we believe and accept Jesus Christ as our resurrected Lord and Saviour. He is a gift to the believer from our Lord Jesus, and He is the one who testifies that we belong to Jesus (Ephesians 1:13).

What makes the Holy Spirit so special? What’s so unique and important about Him that makes Him very necessary in the life of the believer? Jesus Christ instructed His disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit before they proceeded in ministry (Act 1:4-5). Why then is the Holy Spirit so necessary for the believer?

Without the Holy Spirit, it would be impossible for the Christian to conquer the flesh and live a victorious life of Holiness that pleases God.

The Holy Spirit depicts power; He is the power of God living in the believer of Christ, He brings out the atomic personality of the believer. The Holy Spirit is the one who empowers us to rise above temptations and overcome the sinful desires of the flesh. He is the one who helps the believer to live a life that honors and pleases God; a believer can never be victorious against sin and the tricks of the devil by his/her own might or power but only by the Spirit of God (Zechariah 4:6).

The Holy Spirit is not optional if you desire to live a holy and victorious life as a Christian. He supplies the believer with the stamina, the energy, the force, the power, the endurance and strength to serve God faithfully. We need the Holy Spirit in order to live a life that witnesses Jesus Christ to the world (Act 1:8). As mentioned in our previous post, one of the things the Holy Spirit accomplishes in the believer is transformation and this transformation serves as a witness of the power of Jesus Christ to the world.

Just as Jesus Christ did not come for strong and perfect people but for sinners, the Holy Spirit in the same way is not on earth today for the strong and perfect, but to make the weak strong and the imperfect perfect.

He is that Person who has the power to bring forth an extraordinary power from ordinary people. Fearful Peter was transformed into a bold person when he received the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:14-21, Acts 4:8-11).

Believers and followers of Christ are His seed and they therefore have the power and potential within them to achieve great exploits for the glory of God. However, many Christians are still living below their potentials today because they fail to recognize the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in them. Many Christians have not submitted to the leadership and authority of the Holy Spirit who is the Helper sent to us by our master Jesus to help us live great and distinguished lives. The Holy Spirit is available for all believers and all we have to do is to recognize His role in our lives, submit to His leadership and permit Him to lead us to be better servants of Jesus Christ.

If you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ and made Him your Master, then the Holy Spirit already lives in you. All you have to do is to develop a relationship with Him by inviting Him to teach you the Word of God, seeking his counsel in all your plans and activities, and allowing Him to empower you for service unto God. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you today, and make yourself available to be empowered by spending quiet time in the presence of God through Bible study, meditation and prayers.

The Holy Spirit is the One who empowers us to live out God’s divine plans for us. He is a Companion of the believer and guides her to live a faithful and fulfilled life that brings glory to God.

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